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JIRA boards - making cards get darker with time they stay in the same status

Default cards coloring based on priority isn't that useful since you have ranking. On the other hand often you want to help move cards forward. In many teams cards get stuck at different stages like code review or testing. Here's a way how you can help those cards.

JIRA Software comes with a coloring scheme based on JQL queries. Thanks to that you can have any custom coloring scheme.

Open your board and select BoardConfigure, then select Card colors, here's the default configuration, not that useful:

Change Colors based on to Queries

Then set up queries for different statuses:

Here's a script that will help you define all the queries:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

times = ['-120m', '-360m', '-1d', '-2d', '-4d']

statuses.each do |status|
    times.reverse.each do |time|
        puts "status = \"#{status}\" and status changed to \"#{status}\" after #{time}"

Colors that usually work well (RGB values which you can manually put into the color picker):

255 | 255 | 167 
255 | 255 | 0   
255 | 217 | 0   
255 | 170 | 0   
255 | 111 | 0   
227 | 0 | 0 
128 | 21 | 21   
