Quick notes after UX Book Club meetup
11 Apr 2013Today’s topic was Mobile First book by Luke Wroblewski.
- design always in context of the end user
- don’t think about using the same engine to run both desktop and mobile versions
- Android developers have hard time doing regular things like swipes
- responsive pages may seem like a cheaper to build but usually aren’t
- no good tools to test responsive pages
- tablet, phone and desktop
- people don’t like HTML5 apps dressed as native apps
- frustrated users shake their phones, great idea is to ask them for feedback then
- don’t try to force everything into your app
- lean first, mobile then
- ads may not work on mobile as they used too on the desktop
- people trust Apple, they trust in App Store
- Poland is still way back vs US in case of mobile awareness and usage
- not many people buy stuff (from ecommerce sites) via phones in Poland