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My Startup Failed. Fuck.: What Do I Suck At?

My Startup Failed. Fuck.: What Do I Suck At?


There were many factors that inhibited our startups success, but one major problem I could not resolve for the life of me was realizing what I sucked at. Was it because I thought I was better at certain things that others? HELL YEAH IT WAS! Was my personal perception of my work skewed? FUCK YEAH…

I love this story. Sometimes it’s so fucking hard to really admit and see what you suck at.

I just reminded who I was developing one of the products before. I was so blind on the feedback. There were many things not working right, but shit I knew better.

I kept in mind that you have to “ignore everybody” (thanks Hugh MacLeod) so I did, until it hit me hard.

The lesson learned you can ignore what people are saying, all those naysayers, haters, fuck them. Don’t listen to them and don’t surround yourself with them, but track your progress. Be open to signs, to product feedback, measure, track, and always remember - most of the time you’re really wrong :-)

But being wrong is ok as long as you’re aware of it and you’re open to feedback.