Front Trends 2013 Slides
02 May 2013Thanks to Wojtek for gathering links.
In order of my preference:
Craft and The Machine by Hannah Donovan
Look ma no backend by Gregor Martynus
Let’s Const Together, Right Now by Olov Lassus
Projektowanie doświadczenia użytkownika dla witryn wielojęzycznych by Gunnar Bittersman
Rendering without lumps by Jake Archibald
Responsive Localization by Zbigniew Braniecki and Staś Małolepszy
JavaScript the language of the ambient computing era by Allen Wirfs-Brock
ViziCities Development (visualizing large amount of data)
Humble Border Radius by Lea Verou
Mobile Web Performance by Estelle Weyl
Building Languages in JavaScript by Zach Carter
High Performance Data Visualizations by Vladimir Agafonkin
The new CSS layout by Rachel Andrew
Debug Your Language with Source Maps by Nick Fitzgerald
Coping with the broken web by Rodney Rehm
Culture change by Frances Berriman
Be friends with your designers and style guides by Hans Chr. Reinl
Everybody hates passwords by Shane Tomlinson
Maintainable Frontend Development with BEM
180 degrees East by Holger Bartel
The Business Side of Going Web by Faruk Ates