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How to build BitBucket Cloud add-on in Rails → installation

Time to install our plugin in BitBucket!

Enable this plugin for your BitBucket Cloud account!

First I need to make sure that BitBucket will be able to access our service running locally. For that I'm running ngrok client:

ngrok http 3000

Executing the command will print out the external address service can be accessed, something like

Go to and click Install add-on from URL

It will fail with following error:

The add-on server returned invalid data. Please contact the add-on vendor for help. Here's the error we encountered - Invalid JSON: u'' does not match '^https://' at baseUrl

When you go back to the descriptor I created you can see that there's an invalid value for "baseUrl": ""

Time to fix that. Change config/initializers/application_controller_renderer.rb

# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.

  http_host: '',
  https: true

Edit app/controllers/bitbucket_controller.rb:

class BitbucketController < ApplicationController

    def descriptor
        render :descriptor, locals: { 
            base_url: 'https://' + ApplicationController.renderer.defaults[:http_host]


I hard coded https as BitBucket doesn't support anything else. Try to install again and you will see a new screen:

Click Grant Access and you will install the plugin!

Now that I have the pipeline set up and I can start working on the real thing! That's in the next post.

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